Monday, December 3, 2007

Labor Gets Ready For Election '08!

LABOR organizations all across the country are holding C.O.P.E. and Endorsement sessions ahead of the major election caucus'. The purpose of these sessions are to put their financial and member support behind the candidate that they feel will best represent their cause. Many labor leaders espouse the belief that the current political leadership in this country does not support the "Labor Agenda" and actually has set the movement back many years. To date several of the nations largest National Unions have already endorsed a candidate for the upcoming presidential election. Still some have already given the decision process over to the local unions and their members. One thing is certain, the labor movement in this country is alive and well! In fact pledges of financial support and the use of members to help in the campaigns is well under way! Issues like the lost of jobs, low wages and increased health care costs are fueling worker discontent which is fueling this mass involvement on the part of the unions. National and Local Union informational sessions are being organized to instruct local unions' membership on voter registration, worker election activity and recruitment of troops to work in the field for a candidate. Now is the time for workers to directly work to change the current seemingly "ANTI UNION" sentiment growing in this country.

Are you a union member visiting this blog?

Do you have plans to help your candidate get elected?

Then now is the time! Get involved!

Work to save your Job and your family's future!



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